Saturday, November 04, 2006

I’m bad at blogging. I don’t post daily, or even weekly, I don’t post enough pictures, and I know that my posts are so long, most people probably don’t read them. I don’t want to put up a personal journal for the world to see, and I never know what to write about my experiences here. It seems banal to post about funny cultural differences (though, since they are funny, I should probably start), and condescending to start describing this the people and culture around me as if I’m some sort of anthropologist. The cardinal sin for any student of history (even a bad one who didn't start studying until 6 years into his undergraduate career) is generalization, and I really hesitate to post about what "the people" are like, or to detail what makes up "their culture". Eventually I’ll post some experiences and observations, but I don’t want to become patronizing.

Anyway, in the spirit of becoming a better blogger (and with absolutely no intention to commit to this pursuit), here is a post that actually relates something about my daily life.


A Typical Weekday.

In July, because most high school students were out of school, I was teaching from 10am-5pm, six days a week. But since August, though I’ve still had the same 10-5 schedule on weekends (very, very rarely do I get a weekend off), I’ve had only afternoon and evening classes during the week from Mon-Thurs, and usually had Fridays off. The courses that I teach last only 6, 12, or 14 sessions, and so courses are always ending and sometimes I get a day or half day off in the transition. But, if I had to describe a "typical" weekday, it would look like this for about the past 6 weeks, since mid-September.

I get up at 6:48am. Everyday, without fail, my alarm stubbornly tries to wake me up at 6:40am but I slap it, reducing its shrieking cries to timid whimpers for 8 precious minutes. When, at 6:48am, it gets up the courage to start crying again, I raise my hand threateningly, but, as it stares back at me with those round, tear-soaked digits, guilt sets in and I let my hand fall consolingly on the off button.

I have just enough time to eat some cereal, make myself presentable and, of course, make a latte before I have to head out for Thai class. I must walk out my door by 7:30am to make it to 8:00am Thai class on time. This puts me on the Skytrain that always seems to arrive at 7:33am (yes, life is good when your building is so close to the Skytrain station that you could do a ninja flip out the window and land on the platform, if only your window faced the right direction), and I get to AUA just as class is starting.

The great thing about AUA, though, is that classes are very casual and walking in late is not a problem. Also because classes start every hour, it’s also not a big deal if I don’t go until 9am, but I rarely do this because I want to fit in as many hours as I can. In fact, I’m so used to waking up early that even on my days off or I rarely sleep much past 8am. (Louie, are you still reading? I hope that statement didn’t cause any kind of heart attack.) Today, for example, is a holiday but I got up at 8 anyway. What can I say… people change… I’m still a night owl at heart, though.

I stay for 5 hours straight of class (there are 10 min breaks every hour), and then leave to go teach my 2pm afternoon classes. I usually squeeze in a quick lunch during the 10:50am or 11:50am break, and spend the other breaks trying to wake myself up by walking around the school or buying coffee or Coke Light. AUA isn’t boring at all, it’s usually pretty fun, but 6:48am is really early to wake up and for years now, I’ve always had trouble staying awake during all kinds of classes, lectures, seminars, etc. It’s something about sitting still for so long without much interactivity.

Travel from my apartment to AUA or AUA to work takes 30 minutes if I am not in a hurry and get off at Chitlom Station, or 25-30 minutes if I take the BTS all the way to the station by AUA, which means less walking but an annoying station transfer. I walk almost every time because I like to get the exercise, and usually it makes for a more pleasant journey. I grab some pineapple or watermelon (for the equivalent of 11 cents!), pull out my ipod, and enjoy the walk. Lately, my Mon – Thurs teaching schedule has been one class from 2-5pm, and one from 5:30 – 8:30pm or 6 – 9pm. I might grab a snack before my first class, and I either get dinner during the interim or sometimes order in with my co-workers and eat during one of the 10 minute breaks I give my students.

I usually hit a wall towards the very end of my last class, but my day doesn’t end after work. All this learning and teaching hasn’t left any time for exercise, so I either head to the gym, or I head home but go out for a run. Add in a second dinner (Thai food is too good and too cheap to only eat for 3 meals a day), a bit of email, reading, or prayer time, and there is really nothing more I can fit into a day. All told, I feel very efficient if I can make it to bed by 11pm, and usually it’s more like midnight. Or later.

Long days. Really long days, in fact… but while they are tiring, I wouldn’t change anything. (Well, unless you count earning the same for working fewer hours). I don’t want to attend AUA for fewer hours, and even though it’s nice when I only have an evening class and no afternoon class, I have definitely told my course scheduler that I prefer to teach as many hours as possible. Friday – Sunday things are a bit more relaxed, although still not quiet. Although I have off from work Friday, I still have Thai class and spend the morning and afternoon at AUA. I teach full days both Saturday and Sunday but get off at 5pm and have the rest of the night to get some exercise, see some friends or relax. November should be a lighter month too... it's looking like I'll have only weeknight classes Monday through Thursday, meaning that I won't have afternoon classes and can sleep a bit later, arrive at AUA a bit later, and have a more relaxed day all around. We'll see.


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